Happy New Year! Our theme for this month is “Party,” so I thought a fun and simple crown block would be the perfect block to celebrate. The crown has a larger center, and the large space is great for adding applique or decorative stitching to make a more ornate crown. This simple crown quilt block is also great for a simple, quick, or modern quilt.
This crown quilt is great for a party-themed quilt. The crown is also great for a pince quilt, princess quilt, or royalty-themed quilt. We love Christmas crackers with paper crowns in them, so this crown quilt block would also work great in a Christmas quilt!
There are so many ways that you can personalize and customize a simple quilt block like this. Add stitches or embroidery to decorate the crown. You could include beadwork, or applique. This is a simple quilt block to use as the base for all of your creativity!

This Crown Quilt Block is a free pattern! You can sign up here to get the free block:
Do NOT fill out the form more than once. To prevent unwanted multiple emails, the form will only work once per email address. If you don’t see the email right away, check your spam folder. You’ll get a follow-up email the next day with a bonus link as well, so keep an eye out.
If you want to see all the other fabulous party themed quilt blocks, check out the links below:
Party Crown Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Party Bear by Colette Belt Designs
Folded Napkins by Patchwork Breeze
Confetti Horn by Crafty Staci
Celebrate Letters by Tamarinis
Ballons & Streamers by Appliques Quilts and More
Happy New Year by Inquiring Quilter
Festa Block by Ships & Violins
Sparkler by Inflorescence
Gift Boxes by QuiltFabrication
Party Glam by Patti’s Patchwork
Cheers by Robin Kinley Designs
Free Disco Ball Block @ Slightly Biased Quilts
Cake by tourmaline Thyme Quilts
Fireworks by Cristy Fincher
Pinata by Flowerdog+Co
Dressed for the Occasion by Epida Studio
Comments & Reviews
this is wonderful. so many ideas. thank you.