Having two kids isn’t great for my fitness. Many women gain lots of weight during their pregnancies, and have trouble with weight loss after the baby is born. This is not my issue. With both pregnancies I gained the “perfect” 25-30 pounds. After the first, I was back to my pre-baby weight in 3 months. With my second, I was back to pre-baby weight in less than a month. But don’t hate me… yet.
I’m still not in the shape I want to be – or should be. Trying to run a household with two kids – which includes doctor appointments, play dates, preschool, shopping, meals, and all the laundry of a four-person household doesn’t give me enough time to take care of me. I don’t work out, and I don’t eat right. My husband’s work schedule is such that he isn’t home for dinner, so I end up snacking instead of eating a real meal. With everything else I have going on, I settle for convenience.
Enter Lean Cuisine and the Couch to 5K Challenge. I’m partnering up with my friend Sara at Mom Endeavors and Kelley from The Grant Life to change all of this!
For me, the first step was to upgrade my technology. I have been resisting getting a smartphone. I don’t need 24-7 internet access attached to me. And I really don’t need the extra spike in my cell phone bill. I love my tablet, so I bought the mini-version.
Portable internet access wherever there is Wi-Fi – exactly what I need, and perfect for the Couch 2 5K app. Winning!
I also bought these Lean Cuisine Meals at Sam’s Club. I picked up nearly 2 weeks of dinners right there in the frozen foods section. These frozen meals, along with a few other lifestyle choices will keep my nighttime snacking at bay, and hopefully help with my overall fitness… I’ll check in with you later to let you know how it is going! If you want to check out my entire shopping trip, you can see it here in my Google+ album.
This is what I had for dinner tonight. I’m calling this “Day 0” because I start my Couch to 5K runs tomorrow. Instead of eating my meal right out of the plastic tray, I put it on a plate. This isn’t TV dinner-style for me. My son and I eat dinner together, and putting my food onto china helps me feel like I’m eating a “real” meal.
Learn more about Lean Cuisine meals and how they can help you make great food choices on the Lean Cuisine website, by following them on Twitter, or on Facebook. You can also learn more about #FrozenFavorites at Sam’s Club.
Comments & Reviews
Excited to reclaim our post-babies bodies! 🙂 Good luck on your first day!
I did the Couch to 5k plan too, it really works so well to get you fitter. I’m now hooked on running and hoping to do a half marathon next year!
I had apple slices on with my meals too! Good luck on your workout! Im right there with ya sister 🙂
Yea! I have been keeping up with Sara on twitter, since I am doing C25k as well. What do you think of it so far?