Baby Moore is scheduled to make his big debut on Thursday. I’ve been working away at getting the nursery prepared for his arrival. Lots and LOTS of projects – wall art, a quilt, a pillow for the couch, new valence, cover for the changing table, bulletin board, some fun sheets, and even a hand-made rug for the room!
Over the next week, I’ll be sharing with you the different projects I’ve taken on to put this dinosaur themed nursery together. But first, let’s start with a before picture:
Much of this stayed in the room. You can see from the lampshade on the changing table, and the car sticker to the left of the window that this room once had a cars-planes-boats theme to it, back when it was Little Moore’s nursery. He’s been in his “big boy” room for months. Since then, this room has been used for storage, and as a make-shift guestroom. With baby on the way, it was time to update the decor.
And this fabric inspired the theme. Can’t wait to show you everything I did to transform this space!
Comments & Reviews
This is very fabulous and cute baby nursery,perfectly decorated and babies definitely love this,parents should use harmless and non allergic paint in nursery.
That fabric is adorable. Good luck tomorrow…can’t wait to see a pic of the little guy!