I have to admit something really crazy here – I went to a mall last weekend in San Diego with my mom (no, that’s not the crazy part), and as we went into the stores, I thought about how much this shirt or that skirt reminded me of something I’ve seen on a Blog. This is not because bloggers are ripping off the designers or vice versa – it is because I haven’t stepped foot in a Mall since Christmas (unless Target counts as a Mall?). I am hopefully outdated when it comes to fashion, and trends. It is a good thing that jeans and plain t-shirts never got out of style (um, they are still in style, right?)
This is where Candace comes in… she has got true style when it comes to home decor (want to help me out with my beige walls?). She scours the stores, web, catalogs, whatever, and comes up with great posts consolidating all of it. She also shows before and afters of her own renovation projects (she’s not just “talking the talk” when it comes to decor…) Thanks to her wonderful blog I can now tell you about stylish bathroom renovating and upscale pastels. I can even chat about classy birdhouses…
all while wearing my jeans and white t-shirt…
Comments & Reviews
love how you talked about pockets of space not just the pockets on clothes… We all could use more POCKETS. Thanks for letting me be a sponsor