Las Vegas Modern Quilt Guild meeting tonight, and I needed to get my inspiration blocks ready for the Bee. I wanted to do something simple, but something the bee participants can put their own spin on. I decided to pull out the Bliss Layercake I’ve been hoarding, and do a square-in-a-square block. Simple, but plenty of options for interpretation.
This block is super-easy to make, so while I was putting it together, and taking photos to show the participants how the inspiration block is pieced, I thought I’d do a quick tutorial here on the blog.
Multi-tasking. It is a good thing. : )
Firstly, a Layercake is a pre-cut stack of 10″ squares. You could do this with a charm pack (5″ squares) but that might get pretty tiny. You can always cut your own squares, but the great thing about a layercake is that the whole line goes together… and the layercake is a whole line! Yay!
Oh, and there are a ton of variations – cut the square at an angle so it is a diamond in a square. Make the square a rectangle. Or a triangle. Make it bigger, smaller, more centered, or more towards an edge or corner. Limitless options… and so many layercakes to try them on!
Comments & Reviews
This is beautiful. Quilting has always been something I would like to get into.
I’m so glad you’re sharing all this valuable quilting info. It will come in handy when I feel start my own. Which I WILL do… eventually. No really!
That is a very beautiful piece. I love the colors and patterns. And I like anything “simple and easy”! I like that your instructions are clear and precision while still allowing for personal creativity. Thanks, Cara!
Really beautiful!!! Really love the fabrics!!!
Oh beautiful job I’m so looking forward to checking out more of your tutorials!
Your quilting tips are always so beautiful! Love them!!!
cool tips. i’ve always wanted to make a quilt. your tips are inspiring. 🙂