Halloween has come and gone… and the season of family, friends, and frenzy is upon us! I was determined to make Little Moore’s costume again this year. His first Halloween, my mom and I made his little devil costume. Last year, I made a cute dragon costume for him. This year, with work and other commitments, making a whole costume from scratch was out of my league…
Luckily, hubby’s cousin sent LM a cute outfit for his birthday – jeans and a button-up shirt. All I needed to do was make the “accessories” and the cowboy costume was done!
I put together a quick felt vest, felt belt with LM belt buckle, felt holsters, and felt guns. I made a quick trick-or-treat bag as well. Here is a better picture of the felt guns, on top of LM’s candy stash:
Now I’m off to sneak more leftover Halloween candy!!
Comments & Reviews
Oh he’s just soooo cute! And somehow there’s something sweet about a felt gun.
This was the first year I didn’t make costumes for my girls. Which was sad in a way and also a relief as teenage costumes can be rather difficult!
Visiting form LBTP
Oh my goodness, how cute is he! I think I am going to have to dress the girls as cowgirls one year =)