I was thrilled when Krylon Paints offered to send me some of their Krylon Dual Paint and Primer spray paint! I haven’t done a whole lot with spray paint in the past, and was looking forward to playing with the paint. Plus, I figured this would provide me with the perfect opportunity to work on the quilt wall I’ve been wanting to make.
For those of you who aren’t quilters, or are beginning quilters, a quilt wall is a large surface, often a wall, covered in batting, flannel, or maybe fleece. When a quilter is trying to figure out the layout of a quilt, they can lightly place fabrics or quilt blocks against the quilt wall, and they stick! No pinning or adhesive, and they are easy to move around as the quilter works on getting the layout of the quilt just right. As you can see here, a quilt wall is also a great place to store stray blocks that haven’t made it into a project yet.
For my quilt wall, I knew that I didn’t just want to tack a large piece of flannel to the wall of my room. I wanted to give my quilt wall a finished look, and framing up a piece of flannel seemed like the most logical way to do this.
To make your own quilt wall you’ll need a large poster-sized picture frame (or larger), enough flannel to generously cover the frame (a yard and a half was just enough for mine), batting (optional), a staple gun, and of course Krylon Spray paint in your chosen color. I chose Black Satin.
Krylon provided me with several cans of spray paint for free, however all opinions are my own.
Krylon sent me the new Dual Paint to try out. Check out their latest promotion, The Dual Duel, where Krylon is looking to find The Ultimate Restorer. To win this title, enter your spray paint restoration project and encourage friends and family to vote for your project as their favorite for their chance to win too.
Comments & Reviews
Toooo much work for me (niggly bits) although, I would love to have a bash at quilting!
I love spray painting stuff! My mom always finds things to refinish (as she calls it) but we are always the ones that end up doing the actual work! This is a great idea though. I’m not a quilter, but I can see myself using this for a picture board…just add some strategically placed ribbons.
It looks fantastic!
I have an old quilt my MIL made and she’s no longer with us so I should frame piece of it before boys destroy it.
This is a great idea. Seems like one could use the idea for other things, as well! Meanwhile, you have created a great piece of art that is functional. Ver cool.
This is really a gorgeous form of art! Love love love this idea!