This Hot Dog quilt block was simple to draw, but so much more complicated to figure out piecing instructions for. When I make these monthly quilt blocks, I try to create blocks that are somewhere between beginner and intermediate. Some are a little more beginner, most are a little more intermediate. I like giving you the opportunity to try something new on a small project like a single block. We’ve tackled curved piecing, tiny piecing, foundation paper piecing, and more with these blocks.

When I first drew this Hot Dog Quilt Block I thought it was fairly straightforward. Just triangles and rectangles. Should be easy enough, right? But getting those mustard stripes to line up “just so” on this block turned out to be a bigger challenge than I thought it would be! I could have made this a foundation paper pieced block. But I think that having to print the block out makes it less accessible – not everyone has access to a printer or foundation paper. Simple cutting and squaring up is usually easier. I’ve done my best to write clear instructions that will help you make this block, step-by-step.
I think a confident beginner can probably make this Hot Dog Quilt block, but don’t worry too much if your mustard is a little haphazard. Real hot dogs don’t have perfect mustard, either!
To get this quilt block, sign up for my newsletter below. And, I’ve also added my hamburger quilt block to the folder as well. So, you get two fun blocks – both a hamburger and a hot dog!
And, if you like playing with your (quilt) food… be sure to check out these other great food-themed quilt blocks:
Hot Dog Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Corn off the Cob Quilt Block at Scrapdash
Pumpkin Pie by Appliques Quilts and More
Ice Cream Cones by QuiltFabrication
Citrus Wedges by Patti’s Patchwork
Peppers at Blue Bear Quilts
Pineapple at Duck Creek Mountain Quilting
Strawberry by Mom and Me Quilting Co.
Home for the Holidays by Inquiring Quilter
Red Delicious at Perkins Dry Goods
Pumpkin Quilt Block
Little Lemons by Love Sew Modern
Sew the Carrots Go Round Block at Patchwork Breeze
Cake Quilt Block at Masterpiece Quilting
Avocado at EvaPaige Quilt Designs
Comments & Reviews
Thanks for the hot dog….it is soooo cute. I’m kind of concerned about the mustard…..maybe just embroider it??? I don’t know your blocks are great so I’ll probably just sail right through it. If not then Jack (the ripper) and I will play. LOL