I am years behind in my scrap booking. Years and years. I think I have only finished a dozen pages in Little Moore’s scrapbook (he’ll be 4 in September), and the scrapbook before that is from my honeymoon. In 2006. That’s right, according to photos, between 2006 and 2008, hubby and I did… nothing. I’m fine with having a period of nothingness in my photos. But I’m NOT fine with not chronicling the lives of my children. That’s where photo books come in.
When Little Moore was born, I made a photo book for him. In less than an hour, I had a complete book celebrating his birth. I made another one when he turned 2. When Baby Moore was born, we pulled out these books to show Little Moore what he looked like when he was a baby, and how the entire family came to visit, to see him, and to love him. Without these books I would have had very little to show him.
In that spirit, I wanted to make a book for Baby Moore. Baby is now 3 months old, and I finally got his book done! It was just a matter of sitting down, uploading the photos to Snapfish, picking a layout, and adding some text.
This is one of the new 11×14 Lay Flat Photo Books from Snapfish.
It is beautiful. Hard cover, with the title on the front and the spine. I picked one of Baby Moore’s first pictures, and his name, for the cover.
 I expected glossy pages, but the matte pages were fine. For the background I selected the basic baby boy layout, and only made a couple changes as I put the pictures in.
Another reason I love photo books is because of pages like this one. This photo of me and Baby just hours after he was born is not one I would frame and put up in my house. I’m not looking my best. I’m exhausted, and was suffering some complications… but I still want to celebrate this moment. Cherish it. Getting to meet the little man who kicked my insides raw for months. And telling him that it was worth every minute. Putting it in the photo book means that the memory, and the sentiment, will always be close at hand.
Because the pages are so big, the lay-flat technology allows the images flow nearly seamlessly from one page to the next. And the pages won’t get folds and creases from years of being pushed down flat.
My favorite part of the book is the back… one last chance to write a message that will last generations.
Have you ever made a photo book? What would you put in yours?
Disclosure: I was offered a free photo book from Snapfish in consideration for my honest and impartial review.
Comments & Reviews
That is sure to be a family treasure 🙂
I love this idea! I am feeling so behind and overwhelmed with all of my pictures of the 3 kids. This seems like a faster way to get my pictures into books. I love that it lays flat! I also think these would store in a shelf very nicely instead of a bulky scrapbook. I need to go and check these out.
Oh, yours is so cute! I want to make a photo book of my pups. I have SO many pictures. Love the way yours is laid out. Heading to check out how to make one myself!
These are adorable! I made a few one year for all the grandparents/great grandparents of all my kids… it was so sweet, they loved it! I need to do it again!
Awesome idea! I have tons of pics from my nephew’s birth. My sister would love this as a gift, and her birthday is in a few weeks. Thanks for helping me figure out what to get her.
What a great idea! I used to be a big scrapbooker too, but with two kids now, I have a hard time trying to ind the time and funds it takes to complete those books. Thanks for sharing!
We love photobooks in our family 🙂 I just made an ABC layout one for lil m 🙂
So much easier than printing pictures and stuffing them in a photo album 🙂
That looks great! 🙂 Love how it lays flat!
Oh I LOVE their books. What a great way, simple way, quick way to document those special memories.
So pretty. I really need to get my photos organized and do this!!
Love it!! I love Snapfish books and this new lay-flat style is super cool!
I love photo albums! What a beautiful book and memory keepsake for your baby.
My baby girl is turning 3 months tomorrow and I am in the same photo cycle as you. All these great photos and no time to scrapbook (one of my favorite hobbies!). Again nothing chronicled for my husband and I for the past few years. Not even a wedding album! We are married 3 years already. I know my over perfecting, yet lazy, procrastinating self will not be scrapbooking all of my daughters memories. But uploading into a Snapfish photo book, I can commit to that! I just made a small 2X3 flip book to keep in my pocket at work so I can show my clients and coworkers. It’s like a pocket sized brag book! I want to utilize the lay flat book to chronicle her growing up, the only draw back is how expensive it is. I think it’s around $50 for a 20 page book. I’m not saying its not worth it, it’s just an expensive endeavor. I’ll have to sell all my scrapbook supplies I suppose…..