I decided I wanted something “nice” as a background for taking pictures of my work. Something simple, easy to store, and easy to make. I came up with using an old photo storage box (a cardboard shoe box might work too, but the photo storage box is made of thicker cardboard).
I took out the 2 small sides of the photo storage box… I did mention that it was an OLD box, right? This baby certainly has seen better days… and it will again now that it is being “up-cycled” to a photo backdrop! :o)
I put it upside down on my fabric (in this case some synthetic felt), notched the top at the folds (so it would fold up better, and glued down the flap with my glue gun.
I then cut in the sides of the fabric about an inch from the bottom of the box, stopping about an inch from the fold, and then notching it in (this will make it easier when I prop it up), and hot glued those flaps up.
All done! That easy! When I prop it up, I use the excess at the bottom as my table-cover, and tuck the flap behind. I suppose that I could have made the tops and bottoms of the backdrop the same, and just used an extra piece of fabric as the table cover… but then it might get lost in my workroom. As long as it is attached, they will stay together!
Now if only I had a backdrop for taking a picture of my backdrop… *sigh* I also kept the side flaps extra-long for any bigger projects, so that I’ll have plenty of “wiggle room” to take shots at different angles.
Oh, and it all wraps up neatly so it can get tucked away in my storage cubbies!
Let me know if you try out this method… I am considering making a larger one to photograph scrapbook pages, I just need to find a box the right size. I’d also love to hear what else you use as a backdrop when you photograph your beautiful works of crafty art!
Moore to come… soon! :o)
Comments & Reviews
Another great idea that I am going to have to try out!
This is great. I have been making small felt creatures (mostly mice) with boats, some out of felt, some out of paper mache, and it is a challenge photographing them so you can see them well WITHOUT seeing the furniture behind them! Thank you!