When I was asked to write about a special moment for Bigelow Tea, I jumped at the chance. My husband and I are both tea drinkers. It is our go-to drink when we are not feeling well. When the house is quiet, I love sitting down with a book and a cup of tea. Tea fits into so many moments in my busy life. My very busy life. Like most women, I’m juggling projects and schedules, and can’t find time for everything. With Valentine’s Day coming up, I knew I wanted to set aside some special time for my family.
My birthday is 2 days before Valentine’s Day. I think it is unfair pressure on a guy to have to come up with something fun for a birthday, and two days later have to put together something romantic for Valentine’s Day. So I have always had Valentine’s Day covered. I love just about everything about Valentine’s Day, so it is fun for me!
With my husband often working late, it didn’t make sense to do a Valentine’s dinner. Instead I decided it would be fun to do a Valentine’s breakfast! This satisfied my picky eater (who loves pancakes and bacon), ensured that we could all sit down as a family and as an added bonus – we got to eat in our PJs!
I shopped for the supplies I needed – but had a lot already on hand. I was able to raid my china cabinet for the lace tablecloth and place mats, and my crafting cabinet for the rose petals. I decided on “real” napkins to make our meal extra special. You can see details on my shopping trip to Walmart in my google+ album. Of course I picked up Bigelow Tea to go with our meal. Bigelow Tea is a family-owned company, with three generations of Bigelow leadership. Plus their Constant Comment tea is the perfect compliment to this meal – the recipe is as old as the company, and has lasted because it is so delicious! I think the hits of orange make it ideal for breakfast.
The breakfast was simple – Constant Comment Tea with the tags cut into heart shapes. Bacon. Heart pancakes with “Love” written into them.
To make the pancakes, I whipped up my regular pancake batter, then put 1 cup in a small bowl and added red food coloring. I put the pink batter into a condiment bottle, and cut the tip off to make it easier to squeeze out. I filled a second condiment bottle with some of the uncolored batter.
Working quickly on a medium-hot griddle, I wrote the word “Love” backwards with the pink batter, and then drew a heart with plain batter and filled it in. It took a little practice, and a little fiddling to get the temperature right, but I “love” the results!
I added a little washi tape flag because my preschooler is currently in love with flags in his food.
I put a small heart box that I filled with candy at my husband’s place setting, and a wrapped gift at my son’s. I found a puzzle at the dollar store that I knew he would love and he couldn’t wait to tear into the wrapping paper!
Sitting with my cup of tea, sharing breakfast and conversation with my boys. And capturing the moment when my son said to his dad, “Come closer… closer…” and then “Dad… I love you very, very much.”
If you want to find out more about Bigelow Tea and the family that runs it, check out the Bigelow Tea blog. If you’re a tea fan, you can also like Bigelow Tea on Facebook or follow Bigelow Tea on Twitter.
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Bigelow Tea #CBias #SocialFabric #AmericasTea
Comments & Reviews
Your table is SO pretty and I love the pancakes!
Wow that is the most precious moment I have ever seen 🙂 Thank you for sharing 🙂 xoxo miss you
What a special breakfast! I love everything from your table setting, to your pancakes, to the heart shaped Bigelow tea tags! I really think it’s neat that Valentine’s Day becomes your responsibility since your husband takes care of your birthday 2 days before. Great job, Carolina!