So, about 3 weeks ago, I stumbled across this great blog – Lollychops. I L – O – V – E love her writing – her sweet, sincere personality makes her feel like an old friend… and she does some beautiful crafts!!
In one of Lolly’s posts, she put up some pictures of her craft room. It was totally eye opening. I thought to myself, “Wow, a craft room doesn’t have to be some dark, leftover corner of the house, hidden away so that my husband won’t mind the mess… it can actually be functional, organized, and well lit!?” Wow! Who knew!?
I started planning my “ideal” space it in my mind. Within a week, I pulled my husband upstairs, pointed out where I wanted things to go (I was swapping most of the furniture in two rooms to get better light and layout), and got his nod. This wasn’t the “okay honey, I’ll move all the big heavy furniture for you” kind of nod, this was the, “okay honey, I see that you are going to do this anyway, and I won’t object” kind of nod. Regardless… yay!
Thanks to some pent up frustrations, I had lots of energy to move around big bulky furniture. Day One was moving the big pieces. Day Two was swapping the closets. Days Three was organizing… so was Day Four… and Day Five… a week later I’m still fussing with the details, and I’m sure I will be for a while, but I LOVE it!!
Without further ado… I present… “The Workroom!”
I cleaned off the table especially for the photo… but trust me, it didn’t look like that before, and I’m sure it won’t anytime in the near future. I try to keep it relatively clutter-free so that I can get my craft on without tripping over myself. Thanks for the inspiration Lolly! : )
Moore to come… soon!
Comments & Reviews
P.S. Please do post more pics when you can!