This month’s theme was “farm,” and while I love all the traditional farm themes (cows, pigs, barns, tractors, and such – and you’ll find all of those blocks if you scroll down below), when I thought of farms, I thought of the Dutch Tulip farms I saw in Holland. If you’ve never been lucky enough to go to a tulip farm, you can google to see tulip farm images. You’ll see rows and rows of perfect flowers surrounded by green. It is just incredible. I wanted to create a tulip farm quilt block that would give you that same feeling of rows and rows of tulips. That’s what this block does.

The Tulip Farm Quilt Block
You can use this tulip farm quilt block as an individual block in a quilt as well. In a quilt with the traditional farm motifs – a cow, a pig, a chicken (by the way, you can get my chicken quilt block here), this block represents the farmer’s wife. I’ve spoken to several farmer’s wives who set aside a small garden for something that is decidedly not what is grown on the rest of the farm. Often it is something that is just beautiful – like roses or tulips.
I once visited a rose farm that specialized in white roses. They had greenhouses full of white roses. And the lady of the farm had a small plot next to the house of the most gorgeous colorful roses I’d ever seen. After spending so much time among white roses, she just needed to see some color! Though this is a tulip farm quilt block and not a rose farm, I think she would approve of all the color here!
The quilt is designed to allow for a scrappy background, but you can use a single fabric for the background if you like. If you have a green print with multiple green fabrics, that would work great to add some dimension to the quilt. Or you could sort through your green scraps to cut all of the pieces.
This tulip farm quilt block pattern is free to newsletter subscribers. If you’re not already a subscriber, use the form below to join, and I’ll send you the quilt block pattern right away.
Making a Tulip Farm Quilt
If you omit the top and bottom strips, you can put the blocks together to make a whole tulip farm quilt! This is exactly what I had in mind when I was designing this quilt block: a field of tulips just like you would see on a Dutch Tulip farm!
This would be such a fabulous scrappy quilt to make! You can sort your different tulips into rows of color, and with all the scrappy greens in the background providing texture, it would be just perfect!
Check out these other fabulous farm themed quilt blocks:
Tulip Farm Quilt Block by Carolina Moore
Rooster Sunrise by QuiltFabrication
Farmers Daughter Quilt Block
This Little Piggy by Sugar Sand Quilts
Duck Duck Goose
Horse Play at Patti’s Patchwork
How I Roll by Inquiring Quilter
Sunshine by Tamarinis
The Quilting Room
Windmill at Patchwork Breeze
Guinea Pig Quilt Block by Cristy Fincher
My Red Barn by Quiltblox
Summer Peach by Inflorescence
Red Beets by Blue Bear Quilts
Cow Block by BoBerry Design Co.
Scarecrow quilt block by Flowerdog Designs
Comments & Reviews
thank you this looks like fun