If you follow me over on Facebook, you already know that my cactus pincushion won the Arrow Cabinets “No More Tomatoes” Pincushion Contest! I’m super excited… and can’t wait to use the rolling tote I won to take my sewing machine to class!
When I posted the pincushion, I promised that I would GIVE IT AWAY on Friday. And, today being Friday, I’m going to follow through by giving away the winning pincushion! But, don’t worry about me missing it… I still have the prototype, AND a third cactus in progress that I used for some of the Tutorial pictures. So, there is still lots of cactus pincushion around here!
Chris Wooten!
Congratulations Chris! I’ll be getting in touch with you to send out the pincushion! : )
In other news…
Tonight is the Friday Night Sew In! If you’re reading, it is still Friday, and you’re in a sewing mood, go and sign up to join us! We don’t actually gather all in one place (though wouldn’t that be fun!), but we do all get some stitching done… the last time I participated in the Friday Night Sew In, I only got to iron the fat quarters for the quilt I was working on… which has since been completed:
The pattern is from the Fab Shop Hop, and they posted a picture of my finished quilt on their website as well! Hmmm… maybe I should re-title this post “Winner Cubed!”
Happy Stitching!
Comments & Reviews
Congratulations on the win! Your Hideaway quilt is so lovely!
congrats on your pin cushion win – I LOVED that cactus!! it was so cute! I participated in the FNSI – it was fun! hope you stop by my blog to see what I made
I agree.. the pin cushion was awesome. 🙂 Congrats!