My baby is 8 months old, and Saturday night I spent my first night away from him. The year 2013 is my year… and that comes with making some changes. Like making sure to find some time for me.
I love being a mom, and a wife. There is no substitute for an evening at home with the men in my life. But sometimes, we have to change things up a little, and find time for ourselves. For me, that time would be best spent grabbing a glass of wine and heading to soak in the tub while listening to the audio book of The Hunger Games (and of course slathering myself in scrumptious NIVEA lotion afterwards).
Airlines instruct us that if the oxygen masks come down, we are to put our own masks on first, and then help our children.There are other times that we moms need to put ourselves first as well. To be healthy, more balanced people for the little ones in our lives… and so we can have a quiet moment to go to the bathroom without a knock at the door asking a subject less interesting than the socks that go missing.
While my kids were being spoiled by their Oma this weekend, I spent my time with the girls. My crafty gals. I went to the CHA tradeshow (Crafts and Hobby Association), and turned online friendships into real relationships. We spent a kid-free evening at Disneyland and pampered ourselves in the hotel. I had 36 hours where my top priority was my own well being – inside and out. And it was wonderful.
After spending time at the tradeshow, and running around Disneyland, my skin was parched. I never think to drink enough water, and the air in California this weekend was insanely cold! Cold weather also dries out the air, and our skin. Luckily, I had my NIVEA lotion with me. I have loved NIVEA for years. It is creamy, not at all greasy, and my skin absorbs it almost instantly! It has a mild scent as well, providing a little calming aromatherapy while I massage the NIVEA into my skin… and then disappears afterwards, though my skin stays satisfied for long afterwards.
Though my weekend was amazing, I’ll admit that equally wonderful was looking into the eyes of my baby this morning as he woke, watching that moment of recognition light up his eyes as he gave me a smile that made his dimples dance. Kissing my kids, and getting kids back like it is the kiss of the year. Snuggling in bed with a kiddo on either side as we chatted, and the sun came up. Getting to be their mom is the most precious gift.
I’ll be sure to spend more time on myself this year – both with little moments and big weekends. Being a great travel companion, I have no doubt that my NIVEA lotion will be close at hand for all of them… keeping my skin soft for baby snuggles, and pampered for my “me” time.
I bought the double-pack of NIVEA lotion at Sam’s Club. You can see my full shopping trip (with pics of my adorable entourage) here.
If you want to pamper yourself, you can enjoy your own NIVEA Million Moments of Touch. Sams Club helps make these NIVEA moments happen.
Find NIVEA USA on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Beiersdorf for NIVEA. #NIVEAMoments #CBias #SocialFabric
Comments & Reviews
That first time away can be challenging but I’m sure the kids had a great time with Oma and it sounds like you and the girls had a wonderful time enjoying each other’s company and refreshing! NIVEA lotion is perfect to help with that!
Aww what a great time for you 🙂 SO happy you were able to get some “me” time!! Sometimes you need to recharge your batteries 🙂
Love that blue color on your toes {as I tuck my chipped toes under a blanket}! Hope you enjoy much more “you time” soon!